What types of businesses can apply?

Any business can apply, so long as they have been in business for over 1 year and are doing more than $10,000 per month in revenue. You don’t have to be the next Uber or Facebook either. Actually we aren’t the best fit for those types of businesses. We aren’t really looking for ideas. We are looking for real businesses that are doing real revenue, and that could be doing a lot more revenue in the near future. You might be a small construction company, a new services company, a small software business, or a retail business. These are the types of businesses we are looking for.

How large of a business do you have to be?

The general guideline that we use is that you need to be doing at least $10,000 per month in revenues. Less than that and you’re probably still trying to figure out what your business is. Now, with that said, there are times that we partner with businesses that are doing little to no revenue, but those are special situations. The businesses that will fall into our “best case” partnerships are businesses that have been in business for a few years, doing $250,000 - $2,000,000 in revenue, and have an owner that is wanting to grow the business and their personal income. There are a lot of businesses out there that have the ability to scale into a much larger operation, but they aren’t doing it now for several reasons. Some of those reasons are a lack of expertise, a lack of funding, or a lack of time. We can solve any of these problems for the right business, in the right situation.

What will the partnership look like on a weekly/monthly basis?

At the beginning we will be spending a lot of hours diving into the current business and its practices. After the first couple of months we won’t have to spend as many hours on site and can do a lot of the consulting and advising through email and phone calls. At this point we will have a lot of the processes automated and will be able to check in via software for the information we need. We will still be meeting every other week in person to go over the progress of the business and make adjustments at that point. Really when it comes down to it, we will put as much time and energy into the business as it needs to get the results we are all wanting.

Is this a business incubator or accelerator?

This is neither when you’re talking about those two types of entities as how most people perceive them today. Those types of programs typically are looking for people with business ideas in the very early stage, give them a few hours of mentorship, and then take 3%-7% of the company. Then the incubator/accelerator is hoping that one of those businesses hits it big and their 3%-7% of the company is worth a large number. This is how groups like Y Combinator have become so popular. They have gotten small pieces of some companies that ended up hitting it big like Uber, Airbnb, etc. This is NOT that setup. This program is for small business owners that have a decent sized business already, but would like some help from seasoned professionals to take it to the next level. We try to take businesses that currently have $500,000 in annual revenue and turn them into $2,000,000 annual revenue businesses in under 24 months. We’ve done it before and can do it for your business.

Do you have any success stories?

Yes, we have endless success stories. We have businesses right now that we own that did over $100,000,000 in revenues in 2018. We have businesses in the past 3 years that have gone from doing $200,000 to over $2,000,000 in less than 2 years. We have sold prior companies of ours to Fortune 100 companies for millions of dollars. And we are currently partnering with several other companies that are growing right now. So yes, we have success stories all around us. This is why we are looking to help others. We would’ve appreciated a service like this when we were starting and growing our companies years ago.